a blog of current event and family-life ramblings
Published on November 13, 2004 By CrystalBeachTexas In Welcome
So, this is blogging? I have heard the term on FoxNews a million times and yesterday while I was online, I looked up the definition of a blog. It sounded like something I might enjoy doing in my free time between running my husbands business, raising a two (soon to be three) year old boy, who is in the throes of the terrible two's and taking care of my 15 year old nephew (I won't even go into THAT generation yet)! Then, of course, there's the dog, the cat, the bearded dragon, and I decided yesterday to get a new puppy. Okay, I asked for that major stress burden, but the little guy was just too darn cute to not adopt.

What can you expect from my site? Well, I am very opinionated, and I am stuck at home running our business and raising a family. The only intellectual conversation I get from 8am-6or7pm is my 2 year old, and that has been mostly frustrating to this point. Don't get me wrong... I love being at home with my son and taking care of our home and business. I never would have thought I would love doing it more than going into my job day in and day out. It is very rewarding, and now, I just may have found a great outlet for all of those years I spent writing speeches and scripts for people that refelected what they wanted to say, but never said what I wanted to say. Now, I can just shoot straight and tell you what I think. If you agree with me, good for you and if you don't....even better. That is what America is about in the first place.

Well, it's time for me to let my son out of timeout - I think he is trying to kick the door down. Ha ha...terrible two's..... what an understatement!

on Nov 13, 2004
Welcome to JoeUser! You're off to a good start!
on Nov 14, 2004
Yep, this is the place to let it all out, but at times it will cause more stress.
on Nov 14, 2004
Welcome to JU!